Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

6.4 - Development of Seeds and Fruits

Double Fertilisation and Development of Seeds and Fruits

Triploid endosperm nucleus formed from the double fertilization will undergo mitosis to form endosperm tissues. The endosperm tissues will act as a storage place for food and supply nutrients to the developing embryo.

Diploid zygote formed will also undergo mitosis to form two cells which are:

  • A larger cell, that will develop to form a suspensor. The suspensor functions by anchoring the embryo to the wall of the embryo sac.
  • A smaller cell, that will develop to become embryo. The embryo consists of plumule, radicle and cotyledon.

Figure 6

Figure 6 - The development of an embryo.

Figure 7

Figure 7 - The development of ovary into fruits. The ovule will develop into seeds which can be found in the fruit. Integument will form the skin that has two layers which protects the embryo. The ovary will develop to become the fruit. The other parts such as the stigma and style will degenerate and leave a scar at the wall of the ovary. The wall of the ovary will become the pericarp of the fruit which has three layers – exocarp, mesocarp and endocarp.

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