Sexual Reproduction, Development and Growth in Humans and Animals

15.1 - Reproductive System of Humans

The Male and Female Reproductive System

All organisms must go through the process of reproduction in order to produce offspring. In humans, sexual reproduction is the creation of offspring through the fusion of haploid gametes to form a diploid zygote.

Figure 1

Figure 1 - The female reproductive system

Figure 2

Figure 2 - The male reproductive system

Characteristics and functions of Reproductive organs


  • Uterus

    • Organ with thick muscular walls
    • Inner lining consists of endometrium tissue that is rich in blood vessels and secrete mucus
    • Implantation of embryo occurs here
    • Thick and enriched blood vessels of the endometrium tissues supply oxygen and nutrients to the growing embryo
  • Fallopian tube

    • Thin, muscular tube
    • Inner lining consists of cilia
    • Beating of cilia together with peristalsis help to deliver the secondary oocyte or embryo to the uterus
  • Ovary

    • Produces ova (singular, ovum)
    • Produces female sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone
  • Vagina

    • Site of copulation where sperms enter
    • Passage for birth and menstruation
  • Cervix

    • Narrow opening to the uterus
    • Secretes mucus to facilitate the movement of sperms towards the Fallopian tubes


  • Seminal vesicle

    • Provides nutrients to the sperms
  • Sperm duct

    • Transports sperms from testes to outside of the body
  • Prostate gland

    • Secretes fluid that facilitates movement of the sperms
  • Scrotum

    • External sac that holds and protects the testes
  • Testis

    • Located in the scrotum
    • Produces sperms
    • Produces male sex hormone such as testosterone
  • Penis

    • Rich in soft tissues and blood vessels
    • Ejaculate sperms into female's vagina during sexual intercourse
  • Urethra

    • Tube to discharge sperm and urine out of the body

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