Support and Movement in Humans and Animals

14.4 - Health Issues Related to the Human Musculoskeletal System



  • A bone disease that happens when the body loses too much bones or makes too little bones. It is common in women after menopause due to low estrogen level. Estrogen is needed in calcium absorption and preventing loss of calcium from the bones. People with osteoporosis may break their bones easily. As people get older, calcium loss is at a faster rate than calcium absorption. Factors of osteoporosis include lack of exercise and insufficient intake of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D.



  • Softening of the bones due to lack of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. it occurs in adults and especially in pregnant women. If it occurs in children, it is called rickets. They will have bowed legs due to the bone deformities.



  • Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, especially in elderly. It is caused by reduced synovial fluid and wear and tear of the cartilage in the joints. The cartilage becomes thinner and the ligaments become less elastic. The joints become swollen, painful and stiff. Over time, it can affect daily activities of the individuals.



  • A condition where the spine curves sideways, forming a 'S' or 'C' shape when viewed from the back. It can be caused by genetic predisposition or abnormal growth of the backbone during puberty.

Practices to Maintain a Healthy Musculoskeletal System

Good Body Posture

Good body posture

  • Posture is the position in which you hold your body while sitting, standing, walking or lying. Avoid slouching during standing or sitting because it can put pressure on our spine which can lead to misalignment of the spine. Consequently, it can affect blood circulation and even suppress the nerves and internal organs.

Proper attire

  • Wear comfortable and loose clothing that will not cause restriction to the blood circulation and body movements. Wear comfortable shoes with cushions and low heels to give support and protection to the spine.


  • Regular exercise helps to strengthen the joint structure and keep the ligaments and muscles flexible. It can also increase the bone strength and minerals deposition in adults, and prevent osteoporosis as they get older.

Balanced diet

  • A balanced diet with food rich in calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C and vitamin D. Vitamin C helps in bone mass while vitamin D facilitates calcium absorption.


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