Immunity in Humans

11.4 - Health Issues Related to Immunity

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)


AIDS, as many would have known, is a disease that attacks the human immune system. It is caused by a virus called human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ). During the first few years of HIV infection, symptoms are not visible even though the virus is actively attacking the immune system. The symptoms like diarrhea and unexplained fatigue are only visible only after 8 to 10 years later. HIV attacks various immune cells particularly the lymphocytes. People who have AIDS are immunocompromised and can be easily affected by other infections because their immune systems are weakened. Eventually, the immune system becomes not functional and the patient dies from other diseases.

HIV transmission

HIV is transferable to other people through the following:

  1. Body fluids such semen, vaginal secretions or blood
  2. Breast milk or across the placenta to baby
  3. Blood transfusion or organ transplant
  4. Injection using contaminated needles (drug addict)

HIV symbol HIV Transmission

HIV is NOT transferable through the following:

  1. Touching or kissing HIV-infected people
  2. Insect bites
  3. Sharing food or drinks
  4. Air or water source
  5. Sweat, saliva or tears

HIV Not Transferable

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